In the United States, there are multiple ways to get your
green card and possibly U.S. citizenship as well. When it comes to green cards, the most common
way to get one is to get a visa due to being able to work a job that there aren't
American citizens that can do it. Other common ways are through asylum claims,
which would be the claim you would file if your life or safety would be in danger
if you went back to your home country and through marrying a U.S. citizen. Finally, if a family member gets a visa,
usually the rest of the immediate family could qualify as well.
When it comes to gaining U.S. citizenship, there are avenues for green card holders to qualify if they meet additional requirements such as holding a green card for an extended period of time, having a clean criminal record and taking a knowledge test about the United States. Immigration law is very specialized, and you should not try to handle your visa or citizenship application alone. There are special requirements for each portion of your application, meaning that, by hiring special immigration legal counsel, you will have the best chance of having your application approved. Contact our immigration attorneys today to find out how we can help you with your application.