A foreclosure is the legal process that a bank takes
against a property owner when they do not make their mortgage payments for an
extended period of time. Millions of
homeowners in the United States have gone through foreclosure proceedings over
the last few years because of a drop in home prices and a poor economy. Foreclosures can be both financially and
emotionally devastating to a homeowner if they lose their home to the
Foreclosure law, especially when considering special federal programs, can be very difficult to understand for the normal homeowner. It is best, therefore, to hire a real estate attorney who is knowledgeable about foreclosure, and even bankruptcy laws, in order to attempt to save the homeowner's property. Our foreclosure lawyers will be able to tell you what strategy you should use with the bank, including things like negotiating a new interest rate, a short sale (selling your home for less than the amount due on the mortgage) or deed in lieu of foreclosure (giving the bank the deed in exchange for forgiveness of the loan). Call and speak to our foreclosure team and get started today.