Driving under the influence can be either a misdemeanor
or a felony depending on laws in your state or how many prior offenses you
have. DUI charges can stem from either
having a blood alcohol content of .08 or are driving under the influence of drugs,
even over the counter or legally prescribed medications. DUI charges can have an impact on your life
that goes far beyond any time that you serve including losing your license for
a long time or permanently, payment for an interlock device to be installed and
maintained and even increased costs for car insurance.
If you made a mistake and have been arrested for a DUI, there are ways to fight your charges and you are still entitled to a fair trial. When you hire our DUI attorneys, you can be sure that you have the most competent representation out there so that you can protect your license and your freedom. Call our DUI attorneys today to find out what we can do for you.