ERISA stands for the Employee Retirement Income Security
Act and is the law that dictates how retirement plans are to be handled. As our workforce population gets older, there
is more focus on ERISA claims, which covers the spectrum of employee retirement
benefits cases. ERISA defense can cover
many kinds of matters, including, claims of improper handling of retirement
accounts and 401K accounts, securities, benefits claims, pension plan
litigation, claims for improper transactions and fees, executive compensation
matters and investment losses, to name a few.
When you are a corporation that is large enough to have an employee retirement plan in place, you need specialized ERISA attorneys on your side to help you defend your company against any claims that arise against it. With our skilled ERISA attorneys, you will have an experienced legal team who will help you fight ERISA claims so that you can keep your corporation running as smoothly as possible. ERISA matters are complicated; make sure that you have knowledgeable counsel working for you. Call and see what our ERISA attorneys can do for you today.